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“Therese has delivered training for me when I was at Gilbert & Tobin and again in my role at McCabes, where we also engaged her to provide on the job coaching to our practice groups. In the coaching she is gently persuasive, and is such an expert that is able to select exactly the right tool for every situation and every individual.”
“Therese was really hard to find but I managed to track her down to deliver a CPD unit for the Partners at Swaab. She was terrific at creating understanding of the importance of discipline for individual lawyers and ensuring visibility of deliverables and schedules on legal matters. I am really happy to see her bringing her expertise to the global stage.”
“I’ve been working with Therese for years, during that time she worked with us to create Ashurst’s Legal Project Management Framework and introduced my team of Legal project Managers to amazingly simple tools that have increased their productivity.”
“The number of our matters doubled unexpectedly one January. The lawyers who were actively using the frameworks and tools introduced by Therese sailed through it and the others really struggled to keep up.”
Managing Legal Projects
Legal Project Management (LPM) is becoming a pivotal discipline in the legal sector. It helps lawyers to deliver on time and on budget; drive efficiencies and improve productivity; delight your clients; and regain their work-life balance.
The BASALT Group aims to take the current levels of general awareness amongst lawyers to the next level of competency. We will do this by working with lawyers to change their ways of working through the application of legal project management disciplines, tools and techniques.
The core disciplines include – Matter Scoping; Matter Scheduling; Matter Costing; Resourcing & People Management; Client & Stakeholder Management; and Monitoring & Controlling.
Managing Legal Portfolios
Legal Portfolio Management is different to Legal Project Management. A portfolio is an organised collection of legal matters that will see improved results from coordinated oversight and resource allocation. More productivity and efficiency improvements are achieved when lawyers and legal teams use LPM to deliver every matter. And Partners and Team Leaders use Legal Portfolio Management to ensure visibility of all milestones and to allocate team members across all matters within the portfolio.
The disciplines of Legal Portfolio Management support legal teams to efficiently and effectively juggle the competing demands and priorities of many different legal matters and clients. These disciplines include – Portfolio Planning; Workforce Planning; Legal Project Management, Practice Management; Resourcing & People Management; and Client & Stakeholder Management.
Managing Legal Teams
The effective management of legal teams is critical to the successful delivery of legal matters. Just as with any project related activity, legal outcomes are achieved for clients and stakeholders by allocating and leading people to undertake the work. Legal matters only get done because there is someone working on them – an individual lawyer or a team of lawyers.
It is important to ensure that the right lawyers with the right skills, experience and behaviours are assigned to the legal work. It is even more important to ensure that the legal team is managed effectively so that all client outcomes can be achieved by delivering on time, on budget and satisfying the expectations. The core disciplines of involved in managing legal teams are – leadership; communication; and team work. A foundation requirement is being able to manage personal productivity.
Improving Legal Processes
Legal Process Improvement (LPI) is an emerging discipline in the legal sector that utilises Lean Six Sigma frameworks and tools within a legal context.
It is equally relevant to in-house teams and external firms. The techniques can be applied by legal teams and law firms of all shapes and sizes to drive more effective and more efficient client based legal outcomes.